Monday, June 21, 2010

Yo Yo Yooooo....

What's up home skillets. Wellllll...nothing too exciting happening here in SLC these days. The boys are still on the road for about 5 more days. Booooooo...I don't like it. Kind of annoying. But I've been chillin with the wives club, so I'm all good. I guess I should throw my good news out there since it will probably be a major part of my blog and my life for....well....the rest of my life. I'm knocked up!!!! Don't worry. There is a 99.9% chance that Ryan is the father. JUST KIDDING!!!! Not funny....I know. Sorry honey. (Not that he reads this anyway.) We are super excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I'm hopin there is a twig and a couple berries in there, but all I really want is a healthy baby. When I go Target of course....I can't help but look at all the clothes and wonder what I'll be buying. There are soooo many more clothes for girls than boys. I WILL be broke if I have a little girl. She will be a little DIVA fo sho. But for the moment I'll have to just wait and see. I am almost 12 weeks now and the pukies have started to subside. Thank the LORD. I was pretty miserable for the first 11 weeks. I pretty much puked all day, every day, 24-7. It was SEXY!! Ryan really hasn't had to witness much of the sickness since I just got out to SLC, so that's a GREAT thing. I, personally, am a private puker. I don't want you standing at the door asking if I'm "okay". I look or sound OKAY?!?!?!?!?!?! So he missed out on that part. I have asked Ryan to now refer to me as 'baby mama drama'. I think it fits me perfectly. I have been watching all the birthing shows on tv and I am scaring the S#&% out of myself. I don't know why people choose to have their births taped and shown to the entire world, but I guess there are plenty of crazies like me that watch. I just hope that since I have been sooooooo sick, then I'll at least have a smooth labor and delivery. I guess we shall see. I'll keep ya posted.

Well that's all I have for ya for the moment. I'm kinda wanting to go lay out tomorrow, so if you are at the pool and see and a great white whale you don't have to's just me. I have started working out again now that I'm not puking every second, so hopefully I'll be a smokin hot mama. That's the plan at least. Haha.

Check ya lata playas.


  1. Yea!! You're back. I'm so glad you're feeling better and can't wait to hear all your updates. It's me Kristi Graham by the way.

  2. congratulations to you and Ryan!!! what a lucky little baby
